Thursday 28 February 2013

Benedict XVI : 22

Benedict XVI vestments
Advent 2011.
These are last few posts in the Saint Bede Studio's Retrospective of some of the vestments worn during the Pontificate of our beloved Pope Benedict.

The copes shewn in this post were used for Solemn celebrations of Vespers during Advent and Lent. These two purple copes are very different from each other but both made specifically for Pope Benedict.

The first cope, with a mitre evidently made to match it, although the fabric is not very ornate, is nevertheless highly-ornamented with goldwork, very tastefully arranged and proportionate.  Indeed, the ornament is most splendid and fitting for a Pope.

The second cope (see below) was made from a most splendid English silk damask of deep purple and gold.  As can be seen, the design woven into the damask is on a very large scale.  Unfortunately, the orphrey, formed from two parallel lines of gold braid, is disproportionately wide.

Benedict XVI vestments

Benedict XVI vestments
Advent 2009.

Benedict XVI vestments
Lent 2008.